Monday, February 4, 2013

NAMM 2013 Coverage - House of Metal Hosts Uli Jon Roth

House of Metal Hosts Uli Jon Roth
By RadChad

Music can obviously serve many purposes in our lives. It can make us think, feel and act. It can be a deeply meaningful and profound experience that leaves us pondering life's greater mysteries. And sometimes it just plain "F***king Rocks"  in the way a movie is entertaining, or a video game, or anything else you enjoy doing purely for fun, like playing that mean guitar in your garage. Or spending too much time on Facebook talking about what little Jimmy stuck up his nose.

I love seeing the power of music. How it inspires and provokes people. I love to see people get passionate about the music they love and dislike, and to hear why they feel the way they do.

Someone once told me to get that full musical awesome experience , you would need to go and see a true musician live, who believes in his/hers craft. Who shows up @ a venue ready to share their musical knowledge with You - The Fans.  And last Saturday night @ the House of Metal -  a.k.a. Malone’s Bar & Grill. I did exactly that, experienced a true guitar virtuosos - Mr. Uli Jon Roth.

Just fresh off the whole NAMM-2013 convention vibe, Uli Jon Roth came into Malone’s to rock the House with an intimate showing with Rockers, Friends and Fans from all walks of life. Not only was yours truly in the audience to witness such a guitar hero, but also in attendance was Wolf Hoffmann and Peter Baltes, the Guitarist and Bassist from Accept. Who took time from their busy NAMM schedule to see Mr. Roth shred @ The HOM.

Being that this would be my first time ever attending a Roth show ,he did not disappoint at all. It's like for some reason the guitar gods knew I would be in attendance that night and it was all for meeee.... "HEY! , I can dream, can't I?"

Roth's ability to perform with his six string sky custom guitar that seemed effortless to him when performing. It's like he is in this guitar zone and we are along for this Fantastic Voyage Ride, this showed when he had special guest appearances by Mark Boals (Yngwie) Vocals.  Jeff Martin        ( Racer X ) Vocals. And king of the double guitar, Michael Angelo Batio doing Jimi Hendrix's - "Little Wing" with Uli joining in. Watching these two trade licks on stage just reminds me what today's music is lacking.

The night ending were it all began for Uli Jon Roth. Covering Scorpions hits like " Virgin Killers" , "Hell-Cat" and "Polar Nights"  A legendary Rock band he once shared the same stage with back in the 1970's,that to this day still puts on fantastic arena shows.

I would like to thank Micheal Cummings, Edward Cieplinski, and Jackie Davis from House of Metal for putting together an awesome show. Look for more upcoming big shows from House of Metal in the near future.  And as always "Support & Occupy !! "

1 comment:

  1. Good to meet you that night,
    I'm Michael's (H of M)brother, Kevin.
    Great job bringing The ACCEPT men to the sho w-
    too bad they didn't play!
    My website I was referring to that night:
    Looking to work/produce this project
    in SoCal with good musician/performers.
    Keep in touch.
